Sunday, January 12, 2025

1 Kings 6: The First Temple

The level of detail found in 1 Kings 6 hasn't been seen since the Book of Exodus and the building of the tabernacle.  Every cubit, every board of cedar, every statue and relief, is described in minute detail, such was the great importance of this mighty temple of God.  What's interesting to me is that the image of ancient Jerusalem (that I imagine at least) always has with it the grand and imposing temple on the hill.  However before Solomon there was no great temple.  There was the altar of sacrifice, but no massive structure to honor God, for hundreds of years before Solomon.  It has made me rethink the landscape of Jerusalem and how significant both David and Solomon are to contributing to our modern conception of the ancient Jews.  At any rate, the temple has now been built, and what an impressive monument to God it is!  The gold, the statuary, the inner sanctuary, the colossal dimensions -- it's all quite amazing.  And God agrees to dwell therein, IF Solomon (and his descendants) keep God's laws.  We know the temple will not last forever, but it stands at this point as a sign of God's favor and blessings upon His people.  It was indeed a golden age.