Friday, March 25, 2016

Josue 20 - "Revenge Is Mine"

The brief 20th chapter of Josue begins the establishment of the Levitical sanctuaries, which were to be places scattered throughout the Promised Land to provide refuge for the afflicted.  It is yet another sign of God's mercy that such a law was even considered and implemented.  In the midst of the Old Testament, to which many assign labels of oppression, anger, and apocalyptic justice, is a moment of sympathy.  Josue 20 is a statement against revenge.  The Old Law may have indeed been harsher than what we today are accustomed to, but it never gave free license for a man to take justice into his own hands.  It is a human weakness to crave revenge.  Evening the score is even seen as honorable and good in many cultures (even ours today).  And the ancient Israelites were particularly prone to falling into sins of revenge.  But this was never condoned, and it is just one more example of a people ignoring their own laws to follow their own fallen hearts.  (The account of Dina in Genesis 34 provides a good example of what God really thinks of those who act on anger in seeking revenge).  In Josue 20 it is stated that a man who is guilty of manslaughter may present himself at the gate of a sanctuary city.  There he will be safe from the wrathful vengeance of those seeking to get back at the man.  An organized trial will follow, as is fair, but in the mean time God has made it clear we are to not act out of spontaneous anger.  Sanctuary cities allow all parties to cool off and a trial to commence, where a more reasonable outcome can come about.  The wandering Israelites, now firmly established in the Promised Land, are planting the seeds of a civilized society.  Laws of mercy and justice, God's Laws, are taking shape.  The kingdom begins. 

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