Sunday, March 25, 2018

Judges 12-13: And So Begins Samson's Tale

I've reached the most famous section of the Book of Judges -- the story of Samson.  Judges 13 relates the origins of Samson's tale, from his parents' being unable to conceive, to their miraculous encounter with an angel, and the prophecy that they'd bear a son to be named Samson.  It's been years since I've read the account of Samson, and I'm very much looking forward to re-reading it in much closer detail.  Samson marks the end of the line of judges, so I've also reached a turning point at this point in the Scriptures.  After Samson, much will change in the Promised Land, as a monarchy will emerge, and a new era will be ushered in. 

Some interesting points to mention from Judges 13: the fact that Samson was set aside as a Nazarite even while he was still in his mother's womb!  The mention of Nazarites in Judges 13 took me back to Numbers 6, when they were first introduced.  It's obvious that the judge Samson is going to stand out among all the judges as exceedingly significant.  Even before his birth he is being proclaimed by God as a holy individual.  The circumstances of his birth are miraculous, and we are given glimpses of his strength, both physical and spiritual.  The period prior to Samson's birth was a dark time for the Israelites.  They had fallen back into their sinful ways and God had punished them by allowing the neighboring Philistines to enter their land and overtake them.  They suffered under their rule for forty years.  So given the dire state of affairs, it seems appropriate that the next judge or savior would be a truly exceptional one.  The events surrounding Samson's birth are pretty remarkable.  The visits by the angelic figure to Samson's parents foretell the similarly mystical events leading up to Jesus's birth.  The angel who visits Samson's parents is not named, but some traditions identify him as Saint Michael himself!  At any rate, the extraordinary events of Samson's life are about to begin, and I can't wait to see God's power being exhibited on earth through the person of Samson!

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