Monday, June 3, 2019

1 Samuel 10: The Raising Up Of A King

The Israelites are going all in on this king thing.  If a monarchy is coming to Israel, it's going to be grand.  Really, though, what we see in 1 Samuel 10 is God, through Samuel, establishing a royal precedent.  The anointing of Saul with oil; the bestowing of prophetical gifts; the ceremonial "crowning" beside the Ark of the Covenant.  Throughout 1 Samuel 10 there is a sense that this newly founded kingship is brimming with import.  Saul almost seems like someone just swept up in it, as if he's along for the ride.  It's Samuel who seems to understand the gravity of all of this.  He understands what's at stake, and how much this new development will change Israelite society, for good and bad.  He's doing his best to "get it right."  And the people, for the most part, are all in.  They see Saul (who is physically imposing) as the rightful king among them and fall in line as his subjects.  Well, most do.  1 Samuel 10 almost ends with a bit of a cliffhanger.  It seems there are some who aren't so keen about Saul, a Benjamite.  Some inter-tribal hostility appears to emerge since Judah's line was thought to be the kingly one.  It seems clear almost from the beginning that Saul's reign will not be one without conflict. 

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